Vajra, in Sanskrit, has both the meanings of “thunderbolt” and “diamond.” Like the thunderbolt, the vajra cleaves through ignorance. The thunderbolt was originally the symbol of the Hindu rain god Indra (who became the Buddhist Śakra) and was employed by the 8th-century Tantric (esoteric) master Padmasambhava to conquer the non-Buddhist deities of Tibet. 金刚杵,在梵语中,有“霹雳”和“金刚石”两种意思。如同霹雳,金刚杵破除无明。雷电最初是印度教雨神因陀罗(后来成为佛教的帝释天)的象征,并被 8 世纪的密宗(密宗)大师莲花生大士用来征服西藏的非佛教神灵。
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Essential oil is a general term for volatile aromatic substances extracted from aromatic plants or animals. In general, essential oils are volatile aromatic substances extracted from flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, fruits, bark, resins, wood cores, etc. of plants by steam distillation, cold pressing, liposuction, or solvent extraction. Essential oils can be either diluted (compound oils) or undiluted (single oils) such as cactus seed oil. Essential oils are very volatile and evaporate quickly when exposed to air, so they must be stored in a dark jar that can be sealed. 精油是从芳香植物或动物中提取的挥发性芳香物质的总称。一般而言,精油是从植物的花、叶、根、种子、果实、树皮、树脂、木芯等中,通过蒸汽蒸馏、冷压、吸脂或溶剂萃取等方法提取的挥发性芳香物质。精油可以是稀释的(复合油)或未稀释的(单一油),例如仙人掌籽油。精油极易挥发,暴露在空气中会迅速蒸发,因此必须将它们储存在可以密封的深色罐中。
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