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实际上,生基是一种源自 道教  阴宅风水法,它利用人们的头发、指甲和血液等身上之物来模拟“死葬”。

它依据土地形态的基本原理来寻找已经成型的 “龙穴”,并运用 理气风水 理论为生基定下正确的基础。

在道教中,人们相信人拥有 三魂七魄,大体上的理解为:
  • 三魂,代表精神和理智的“三个不朽灵魂”;
  • 七魄,代表世俗生活和欲望的“七种人性形态”。


生基是一种风水法,将天、地、和人的能量气息联系在一起,俗称 “天地人三才”,用以造福种生基之人。
有人说,生基是 道家风水 首创。在经典的 鬼谷子无字天书 记载中提到了张良,这一位道教修炼者找到了适合冥想和练习道家学术的宝地,并成功取得了圣贤身份。

生基可以在许多方面提供帮助, 比如改善:消災解厄、久病不愈、祛病強身、延年益壽、夫妻失合、事業不振、考運不佳、貴人不顯、官運不亨、財運不進、時時破財等等。

1. 稳定运势

2. 贵人相助

在风水学里,据说良好的效果可以使一个人的运势提升高达30%左右。中国古代相传人的一生由 5个重要的方面 组成。

  1. 命运
  2. 运气周期
  3. 风水
  4. 积累的功德
  5. 教育

生基主要有两个类别 - 埋葬式生基和非埋葬式生基。

  1. 埋葬式生基 需要把您身上之物装进坛子,埋入土里。


  2. 非埋葬式生基 本质上是从道教方法演变而来的,称为本命炉(生命香炉),将人的身上之物】、护身符和其他必需材料放入布袋中,然后埋入香炉中。把它放置在家庭祭拜的神明祭坛上。此方法不需要土地进行掩埋,但需要在房屋某处放置生基坛子。这就需要在房子里找到一个吉祥的地方来放置生基坛。


  1. 患有顽固疾病或绝症的人需要种生基作为克服疾病的方法之一。
  2. 寻求生活改善的人,例如寻求升职或职业发展的生意人,或希望在群体中提高自己的业务地位的商人。
  3. 需要扩大歌迷和粉丝群,并提升知名度,及扩展业务的歌手和艺人。
  4. 希望晋升为更高职务并巩固提升权力的军人或警察。
  5. 在政治生涯中寻求稳定与发展的政治家。
  6. 学生,特别是在毕业前面临期末考试的大学生。












这说到来,都是 “天数”。尽管如此,只要有心,还是可以选择其他或许不那么强大的“龙穴”,在一定程度上巩固生基。能够寻找到一位优秀的风水大师来帮您完成这项任务,完全取决于您的命运。



  • 天,意味着天时
  • 地,意味着地利
  • 人,指人和








Shengji is factually a Yin Zhai Feng Shui method that originated from Daoist practices, and it utilizes the body materials such as hair, nails and blood of the person, to simulate a “death burial”.

It employs the essential principles of land form to find a good Dragon and good Xue that had formed a certain ‘formation’, and theories and principles of LiQi Fengshui to get the correct setting for the Shengji.

In Daoism, it is believed that we have 三魂七魄 (San Hun Qi Po), loosely translated:
  • 三魂is the  “three immortal souls” that represents the spirit and intellect;
  • 七魄 is “seven mortal forms”  that represents carnal life and desires.
This三魂七魄 (San Hun Qi Po) must be taken care of properly and given the best living conditions for the betterment of the person.  Thus in Feng Shui, we need to have at a minimum, good home environment for the person to live comfortably and happily so as to have the opportunity to be successful in life.

Sheng Ji is a method of Fengshui practice to link the Qi of heaven, earth and man, called Tian Di Ren San Cai 天地人三才,to create an effect for the benefit of the person doing the Sheng Ji.
It was said that Shengji is a Daoist Fengshui innovation.  There is a record in the classic 鬼谷子无字天书 (Gui GuZi’s wordless book of heaven), where there is mention of a Zhang Liang, a Daoist practitioner who found a place to meditate and practice Daoist Alchemy, and achieved Sainthood.  

This place had good land form with a powerful dragon and a powerful Xue. Thereafter, was born the Feng Shui theory and practice of utilizing good land form for burial, Sheng Ji and other purposes.
Sheng Ji has many advantages, such as the improvement of: eliminating disasters and misfortunes, long-term illnesses, curing illnesses and strengthening the body, prolonging life, husband and wife misfits, poor careers, poor luck in exams, poor noble luck, poor wealth luck, and so on.

1. Stabilize luck
Especially when you encounter a year that is unfavorable to your zodiac/five elements, you can live through the year relatively smooth, at least not to fall too badly. Feng Shui is a cycle, don't underestimate the years that are not good for you,if the worst, all your efforts will be wasted.

2. Help from nobleman
Difficulties are inevitably in our life, and it is impossible to go along with one's wishes in a lifetime. When people climb high, how can they grow without setbacks? Of course, we are not stubborn stones, we understand that it is difficult and very hard to rely solely on our own strength. The help from nobleman and your timely grasp on opportunities can turn crisis into turning point.

Sheng Ji has the effect of creating vitality, turn bad luck into prosperity, turn poverty into wealth, and for physical illnesses, can be improved. The effects of prolonging life, planting blessings and replenishing luck, as well as having good response on family safety, blessings for wealth, success in career, wanting to have a precious child, seeking marriage, and karmic karma.
In Feng Shui, it is said that the good effects can at best give an uplift of 30% of the person’s life.  There is an ancient Chinese belief that the person’s life is made up of 5 important aspects.

The saying is (一命二运三风水四集功德五读书):
  1. Life fate
  2. Luck periods
  3. Feng Shui
  4. Accumulated merits
  5. Education
From the above saying, it looks like Feng Shui only makes up 25% to 30% of a person’s life.  Many ancient masters postulated that Feng Shui can at best enhance up to 30% of a person’s life.  

Whatever degree of enhancement a Sheng Ji can do depends on many factors. One whether there is Real Dragon and Real Xue or whether the date selected to do the Sheng Ji is suitable and powerful enough to complement the person’s life fate and the Xue spot.
The are two main categories of Sheng Ji —  Burial Sheng Ji and non-Burial Sheng Ji.

  1. Burial Sheng Ji requires land to bury the urn that holds your body materials.

    It can be a shared burial Shengji where there are many lots of Shengji holes or it can be a plot of single burial or even a family burial plot where its size probably can hold three, four or five coffins. This requires to find a Good Dragon and Good Xue for the burial.

  2. Non-burial Sheng ji is essentially evolved from a Daoist method that is called 本命炉 (life censer) whereby a person’s body materials, talisman, and other essential materials are placed in a cloth bag and then inserted into an incense censer that is placed in the family altar in front of Deities that are being worshipped by the family. This method does not need land to bury, but it needs a place in the house to put the Sheng ji urn.  This requires to find an auspicious spot in the house to place the urn.
Yes of course can do!  There are many types of Sheng Ji according to the land form formation.  For example, if there is a wealth formation in the land form and the Dragon and Xue are both suitable for Burial Sheng Ji, then this Sheng Ji is deemed as a Wealth Sheng Ji.

A person can do Sheng Ji for wealth, health, curing sickness, extending life span, power and authority, career and promotion. As long as there is a need, one can do a Sheng Ji, as much as you can afford.

Generally if you are not sick you would not go to see a doctor. Probably you would have kept your health by exercising regularly and taking health supplements.  Similarly, if you have no major problems to overcome, such as terminal illness, failed business, facing demotion or facing the sack or being jobless, you would not need to make any planned moves to overcome these.

Planned moves include doing Sheng Ji to help you overcome these adversities. Therefore, here are a few examples of people who should do Shengji:
  1. People who have a lingering or terminal illness need to do Sheng Ji as a solution to overcome the illness.
  2. People looking for enhancement in life such as seeking a promotion or a career jump, or business people who want to go up one level higher in his business standing in the community.
  • Singers and artistes who want to increase their fan base and become more popular, and eventually earn more money.
  1. Military or policemen who wish to seek promotion to higher positions of authority and increase their power base.
  2. Politicians who are seeking for stability and progress in their political career.
  3. Students, especially university students who are facing their final examination before graduation.
STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.  When she is still pregnant there are two entities in her body.  Thus she cannot do Sheng Ji when she is pregnant.  She can only do Sheng Ji at least three months after giving birth.
Can and STRONGLY advisable!  As long as the child had crossed 100 days, he or she can have a Sheng Ji done.  We use hairs and nails (if any), and must not draw blood.  

For babies or children below 7 years old, you must know what are the traditional cultural taboos to observe. Only when the child is past 7 years old, then only can draw blood.
Yes and STRONGLY advisable!  Well, it is highly recommended for the person to find a good master to do Sheng Ji so that he/she can have a chance to overcome the sickness and possibly extend his/her life span.

However, it still depends on the availability of real Dragon and real Xue for the effects to happen. As for non-burial Sheng Ji, there is still potential for overcoming the illness.
Yes! You can do this.

Yang Sheng Ji are very rare, and land prices keep rising every year. The sooner you buy, the cheaper it is. If you choose not to do Sheng Ji, you can also resell it, which is very cost-effective!

Since it is a freehold land, your Sheng Ji lot can be processed and passed on to the next generation.
Nope, you can share with your friends and relatives, but do not tell them which is yours. Sharing your success and being known is advisable in order to receive merits and restore karma to save more people who may face troubles.

Unlike Yin Feng Shui method, where you have an actual tombstone with your name, then it must be kept a secret. You should not go round telling others that you had done a Sheng Ji and especially taboo is telling others where it is. There are many famous people, from actors, actresses, business tycoons to politicians who had done Shengji, who kept it a secret. Only the Feng Shui master who did it knows where it is.

One important point to note is that enemies or adversaries who are intending to harm you, and know where a Sheng Ji is, can harm you by destroying the Feng Shui of the Sheng Ji.

Of course you can. The power of Sheng Ji can be strengthened through subsequent effort.

1. Reiki
You can add Feng Shui cures to help on wealth, health, feelings, and etc. or you can install cures on the top of Sheng Ji to gather energy and attract nobleman. It is not recommended to add unknown items by yourself, only the right items can be used to effectively enhance the power of Sheng Ji. Please consult Master Derrick for appropriate and professional advice.

2. Do good deeds
You can do more good deeds, be filial to parents, and be kind to others. A person's blessing can be accumulated, and in contrast it will be consumed by improper behavior. The more blessings are accumulated, the greater the foundation of Sheng Ji is enhanced.
NOT EASY AT ALL!  In metaphysics, we all understand that a person’s life fate is the highest authority over that person’s destiny.  

Whether he becomes rich or poor, it is all written in his astrology. Whether that person can have a smooth sailing life or a life like a roller coaster is also written in his astrology.

Therefore, finding a land form with a Real Dragon Real Xue is also highly dependable on that person’s destiny and fate. A person may have lots of money, but if his life does not warrant him to have a Real Dragon Real Xue Sheng Ji even if there are a lot of good Xue in his country, he would not be able to get one.

This is the design of Heaven on Man. In spite of this statement, please remember that there are options of less powerful Dragon and Xue that could give a certain percentage of enhancing of the Sheng Ji. It is up to your fate to find and meet a good Feng Shui Master to do the job for you.

There are many land forms all over the world that have potentially strong Dragons and possibly good Xue spots for burial. All it takes is heaven’s will and a good Feng Shui master to find such good spots.

Generally if a Xue spot has an incoming dragon, Qing Long, Baihu, and the front Ming Tang is wide open with an Anshan, and a good water exit, this is already a good land form. Is the formation suitable for the person’s Sheng Ji requirement will depend on the assessment of the Feng Shui master.

In Chinese Metaphysics, there are many ways to explain this. Here is a brief explanation pertaining to Feng Shui.  It is just enough to let you understand.

  • Tian 天means heaven
  • Di 地means earth
  • Ren 人means Man
In Feng Shui, there are a lot of talk about how doing Feng Shui can gather the forces and energy Tian Di Ren to benefit a person.
The gist of this phrase is actually — ‘to harness the heavenly Qi and combine it with earth Qi in a manner that suits a person, so as to benefit him’.

Therefore in Fengshui we say that:
LiQi methods and Date selection is Heaven Qi (Tian Qi 天气), Landform is earth Qi (Di Qi 地气), and the person has Ren Qi (人气). If you get a good combination of the three, you have successfully gathered the San Cai 三才to benefit a person.
This is a myth, a misconception!
If you think so, then you probably don't know enough about Sheng Ji.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and no shortcuts for gain by doing nothing.

Even a strong body will gradually age and weaken over time. In order to prolong health, you can sleep early, have healthy diet, consume some health care products, do regular check up, and etc. These are all necessary efforts.

If you think that you are unlucky and often lack of help in doing things, Sheng Ji is the health care product you supplement for yourself, and one Sheng Ji will last a lifetime. The decisions you make in life, your kindness in treating people, and the good fortune you accumulate are the keys in getting better luck!

We are not afraid of encountering difficulties in life, but to afraid that there are no friends and nobleman around to help.
1. The time has not come
Remember, Sheng Ji and Feng Shui are not magic, they take time to work. At the same time, your day-to-day actions and decisions affect how well it works. Sheng Ji has no deadline, it provides a guarantee for the basic fortune of your luck, at least stabilizes your luck.

2. Personal conduct
If you act proactively and treat people with sincerity, the results will come quickly.
If you are passive, decadent and act recklessly, you will not see the effect, even if your house is full of Feng Shui products and you do a lot of Sheng Ji, because there is no chance for Sheng Ji to play a role!

3. Proper upgrades
You who just new to work, driving a small car, renting a small house, and eating cheap meals.
After you have accumulated some work experience and become a boss, you start to invest in more valuable affairs, drive a safe and high-end car, buy a number of luxury properties, and enter a more comfortable restaurant to dine.

When your status and abilities increase, so does the quality of items owned and used. This is very natural. It is not a waste or a show of wealth, but represents your improvement. At the same time, you have to admit that you need better supplements to attend bigger and important occasions and meet people with higher status and taste.

In the same way, your Sheng Ji and Feng Shui cures also need to upgrade to help you grab greater opportunity and face greater business risks. Greater gains require greater investment. This is why the saying goes: the wealthier a person is, the more they believe in Feng Shui.

Seek advice from Master Derrick to see if your current Feng Shui cures are appropriate.